Will you be hosting friends and family at your home these holidays? Your trusty Wellington flooring experts at Robert Inwood Flooring know a thing or two about preparing a home for guests. Today we’ll look at a few ways that a fresh carpet installation can transform your home aesthetically and practically for best results this Christmas (and for many Christmases to come).
Let’s look at our top two affordable Wellington carpet tips, shall we?
Fresh carpets in the common areas
Our carpeted living rooms and hallways are the areas of our home that receive the highest amount of foot traffic, meaning they’ll show signs of aging and wear most prominently. These sections of your Wellington carpets are the most commonly replaced around this time of year in order for your home to make a good impression to your Christmas guests. You can have a home appearing almost brand new with a fresh Wellington carpet installation in these spaces. Fresh floors and perhaps a paint or wallpaper touch up will transform your home into a beautiful space, ready to host your friends and family for the holidays.
Extra space for extra sleepers
Create an extra sleeping space to offer your friends and family members with the help of our Wellington flooring experts. We can install Wellington carpets in your garage, for example, to create a section of comfortable space in which you might like to install a sofa bed and a few furnishings to make the ‘new room’ feel a bit more like an extension of your home. Your Wellington flooring experts can install extra padding beneath the carpeted sections of your garage to ensure maximum comfort for your friends and family members. With this extra space, you won’t have to shift any of your children out of their rooms to accommodate sleeping guests – everyone wins!
Whether your home requires entirely new floors or sectioned carpet replacements, the Robert Inwood team can offer you an affordable Wellington carpet option. We specialise in an affordable flooring and professional installation – simply visit our office to talk to our friendly flooring experts about your affordable carpet options.