As the daffodils are blooming Spring back into season the weather warms up enough to let us leave our doors and windows open, we know Wellington homeowners will be eager to crack into some post-Winter cleaning! Typically you’ll start with dusting and organising, but the Wellington flooring experts at Robert Inwood would suggest you prioritise a more important task that’s waiting right beneath your feet: your Wellington carpets.


Why should you clean your Wellington carpets?

During the winter, your Wellington carpets have experienced their most brutal months of use and ruining. Here’s a look at the effects of a long hard Winter on your carpets in Wellington:

  • Increased dampness and moisture in the air has soaked into your carpets (thanks to hot showers, cooking and boiling the jug in the cool air without enough open-door ventilation)
  • Muddy, slimy shoes bring the worst of Winter straight to your carpets as you walk in your home after spending a rainy day on foot
  • Pet owners who take their animals on walks or let them roam in the garden will most likely have a layer of dirt and mud tracked in from the paws of their furry companions
  • Condensation (a common occurrence during the cooler winter months) around glass doors or floor-reaching windows will drip water down onto your carpets, potentially causing them to rot or grow mould and mildew
  • During the winter we statistically spend more hours indoors, so it’s generally expected that your Wellington floors will be more exposed to meals, hot drinks and foot traffic.


How to clean your carpets

Weekly vacuuming and spot cleaning is an excellent start to tackling your Winter Wellington carpet woes. Hiring a Wellington flooring professional to clean your carpet at least once a year is another excellent way to prolong the life of your carpets, as well as promoting a healthy environment for your family. Most importantly, be sure to open your doors and windows as often as you possibly can to encourage healthy airflow through your home and the fibres of your carpets.


Are my carpets too far gone?

Wait for a warm day to roll on by and open all your windows and doors. If you find that an unpleasant, damp smell lingers in your home during this warm day, and you can’t spot any mould or mildew on your curtains, then it is most likely permeating from your carpets. When carpets start to smell mouldy, they are usually too far gone for cleaning or simple repair. From here, you can call the flooring experts at Robert Inwood Flooring for a cheap Wellington carpet replacement.